"Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation..."
Jude 1:3
And this "salvation" in Hebrew is the word "Yeshua" which is Jesus'; name in the language he grew up with. So when you read the word "salvation" in the Scripture, know that they were saying Yeshua.
Remember that it is Yeshua (Jesus) that is the lamb of God slain before the foundations of the worlds.
Lastly, know this, that as we read the account of Abraham and Isaac in Genesis 22 we find that it was because Abraham did not withhold his beloved son from Yehovah, that Yehovah did not withhold His only beloved son from us. Because of Abraham's faith, Yehovah provided "Himself a sacrifice"! It is written that this is the basis of the covenant of Salvation (Yeshua) because by it are all able to enter in by faith.
We did not enter a new covenant with Yehovah, but entered in to the one He made with Abraham. The next time someone says they entered into a new covenant, ask them if they offerred up their own son to Yehovah, or are they actually entering into what Abraham did with Isaac.
In Genesis 26:5 we find Yehovah explaining to Moses why He made the covenant with Abraham:
Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws (Torah in Hebrew).
Yeshua is God isn't He? So when it says Abraham obeyed His voice, we can know that Abraham heard the word of God, or Yeshua's voice.
We know that is was also Yeshua, once He had come in the flesh that said "My sheep hear my voice and they follow Me". This is exactly what Genesis 26:5 says isn't it? You see how God is the same yesterday (with Abraham) today, and in the furture. If we are Abraham's children, we are to walk in the steps of Abraham, and therefore should pattern our life after his obedience described in Genesis 26:5.
As the love of many waxes cold (towards God) because iniquity (lawlessness/torahless) abounds in these last days, seek His face like you never have before, and love Him enough to obey all His commandments just like Abraham demonstrated, and just how Yeshua demonstrated to perfect (as He was without sin).
Does every aspect of your walk with God, look exactly the same as Yeshua demonstrated? If not, change yourself to His ways as a loving bride awaiting her bridgegroom. Be conformed to His likes and dislikes, rather than expecting Him to change for us. Paul tells us to self examine ourselves.
Start by examining whether you worship at the same appointed times as Yeshua Himself did and gave Moses (see Lev. 23) and make sure you read Ezk. chapters 40 - 48 to see what He brings back (also Zach. 14 feast of tabernacles)? Remember Yeshua never sinned, so in keeping of these He was without sin.
As many believe that we could be raptured at any moment, wouldn't it seem only wise to start preparing for how we shall live if that happens now? If you found you were being transferred to another country for your job, would you expect them to obey the laws you were raised with, or would you need to conform to the laws in the land you headed to? Of course you would study the news lands laws and prepare for the move. Paul says we are sojourners in this current world, and that we are already citizen's in that place we seek, and with the One that will rule over us. If we believe that, I see no reason to not start to comply with His ways now, in loving anticipation to be a bride spotless and awaiting her husband.
Yeshua said "If I go, I shall come again and recieve you unto Me, for where I am you shall be also. Unless the plan changes (yeah right) His feet will touch the Mount of Olives and we that are His will all be together with Him. That will be Israel and we will see the fulfillment of the passages in Ezekiel chapters 40 through 48.
Have you studied those passages? Does your heart leap with joy for those things which He will restore so much you desire to begin as soon as possible? Or does the fact we will be under the authority of Zadok priests who will teach us the difference between clean and unclean, holy and profane, and that will judge all matters of our lives by the law (see first five books of your Bible) concern you? Could it be you are actually in enmity towards these laws as they appear in Genesis through Deuteronomy?
It is OK to admit that, because it is the first step to fixing that attitude. Please read Romans 8 and find that the enmity towards the law, is a symptom of something you may not like to be told about in His words, yet there it is in Romans 8:5-8, it is a symptom of being of the flesh or carnal, not being lead by the spirit of God. Yeshua walked perfectly in these ways and said He came to do all the father told Him to do, out of love towards the Father. Yeshua was not at enmity with His own Torah, and we too; if we are walking as He walked; will not be carnal towards it either. You see you prove if you are carnally minded, and therefore at enmity towards God (Romans 8:7) when you are not suject to the Torah.
These are not my words; but Paul's. We have no condemnation when we walk not after the flesh (wanting our own ways more than His) but after the spirit (which can not oppose God's instruction in His laws). So walking in the spirit, sets us free from wanting to walk contrary to His ways (sin) that is that the soul that sins can look forward to the wages of sin being death (law of sin and death). But those that have been delivered from the bondage of sin, can then walk in obedient with a new heart (Romans 6:17-18).
Haleluyah that Yeshua doesn't just forgive our sin, He gives a new heart, one that loves Him and His ways, so we can walk just like He did.
Do you really love Him? Then keep His commandments!
I miss you guys and think on you often. Be blesses and remember that men's doctrines will all fail, so we should stick with God's Good Doctrine written in Proverbs 4:2 "I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my Torah". Those are His words, maybe we should start obeying His doctrines, not those of men, or our fathers. Those doctrines are ones we will find were lies and vanity (Jer. 16:19), so why not take Him up on His word and "Stand ye in the ways, and See, and Ask for the old paths" where in is the good ways, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls (Jer. 6:16-19) and beware the rebellion and punishment for those who will not hearken to His word or Torah; but reject it (or Him, as He is the word of God isn't He?). You all will be fulfilling prophesy regardless of which way you go; only the reward He brings is different: everlasting life or everlasting contempt and shame (Daniel 12).
Your obedience does not save you! It only demonstrates whether you are really saved!
Jack Jackson - Bondservant of Yeshua HaMashiach
Minister Where You Are - Founder
Have you inherited lies from your fathers that inherited them?
Jeremiah 16:19
Do you have desire to be taught His ways?
Isaiah 2:1-4
Have you forsaken His Torah, departing from good doctrine?
Proverbs 4:2