What you are looking at is amazing all by itself. How often, if ever, have you seen a dog
walk on top of a six feet high block wall, with a rounded top? A cat yes; but a dog? I
know what you must be asking, “How did you train your dog to do that?”
We moved into our new home in Indio, California three weeks ago. This home was a
model and we had been waiting for the developer to finally turn it over to us. One thing
we had noticed from our frequent visits to our future home was that we would
occasionally see dog droppings in the backyard. It seemed obvious to us that someone
was allowing their dog entrance to our yard for its potty breaks. With six feet high walls,
and no signs of digging underneath, how else could a dog get in to do it’s business?
Upon moving in, I was startled one day to find the dog pictured above in my backyard. I
recognized it as my neighbor ‘s dog. Have you ever asked a dog a question? Without
realizing what I was doing, I asked, “How did you get in here?” Well, he didn’t exactly
answer me, but rather demonstrated for me by running into our back corner, leaping, and
scaling the wall back into his yard.
Great! Now I move into a house with a six feet high walled fence and still can’t keep out
the neighbor’s dog. Our friends from across the court mentioned that this dog was
notorious for visits to yards, and leaving presents behind, if you know what I mean. As a
brand new neighbor, the last way I wanted to introduce myself to a new neighbor was in a
conversation asking him to keep his dog out of my yard. Is anything too hard for God?
Is any problem too unimportant to bring to the throne of God?
I did what any Christian should do. I took my problem to the Lord in prayer. In my
prayer, I asked God to figure out how to keep that dog out of my yard so I would not
have to confront my neighbor.
A few days later, we had friends over after church. After a great time of fellowship, our
girls ran off to play with our friend’s daughter, and we all went to relax on the couch. I
had my back to the yard, but my friend had the view shown in the picture above.
Suddenly he said, “That is something you don’t see every day”. To all our surprise we
turned and saw the neighbors dog, walking along the wall. The dog walked slowly along
the entire length of the yard, and then jumped into our other neighbor’s yard. Amazingly,
this dog bypassed my yard by walking atop the six feet high wall, only to get to the next
God had miraculously answered my prayer. Coincidence, you ask? 10 minutes later he
walked back across to his yard. In fact, the dog walked back and forth several more
times that evening. In fact, it seems to be pattern for the dog around 7 PM. Several days
later, I met my other new neighbor, the one who had the dog enter her yard after walking
along my fence. She had just moved into her new model, as well. She informed us that
her Priest (she is Catholic) was coming over to bless her home, and asked us if we wanted
him to bless our house as well. We told her that we had asked God to bless our house
already and then told her about the answer to prayer. Her response was “Can you pray
for our yard too”?
Do I have any other witnesses? Glad you asked. I know that pictures can be changed in
this age of technology. Last night my Christian Business Men’s Forum meeting was at
our home. During dinner, we had a great laugh when I told them about how God
answered my prayer. This answer to prayer has already allowed me many chances to
glorify God. As we all sat down on the couch after dinner for our meeting, I said that I
really needed to get my camera just in case the dog walked on the wall again. I knew the
picture of the dog would certainly be unique and allow me to write a letter like this and
share how awesome our God is. Sure enough as we sat down, I looked at my watch, it
was 7 PM , and here he came, right on time. You think God wanted me to get that
picture? Absolutely!
God proves again that He answers prayers that are asked in the name of His Son, Jesus
Christ. He also proves that only God can teach an old dog, new tricks.
Jack Jackson - Minister Where You Are
(The Dog has also stopped going into the Catholic lady's yard, since the artical was written.-Cassie Jackson)
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